C Chapin, Harry Links
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- Any Old Kind of Day - Chat, biography, charities, family, friends and quotes of Harry Chapin.
- Chapin Music - Includes versions of Chapin songs, guitar chords, rare unreleased songs, and image galleries.
- Chapintouch - Home of the Harry Chapin Appreciation Society; a very complete site.
- Harry Chapin - A fan's appreciation of Harry Chapin, including his correspondence with the singer/singwriter.
- Harry Chapin Archive - Large archive of articles, photos, and general information on the late singer-songwriter Harry Chapin, best known for his '74 hit "Cat's in the Cradle."
- Harry Chapin at Rocknworld.com - Biography of this great American story teller.
- Harry Chapin Foundation - This foundation exists to help concerned, private citizens get involved in eradicating world hunger within a lifetime.
- Harry Chapin Song Interpretations - This page contains song interpretations and MIDI songs. It also contains original poetry.
- Harry, It Sucks - Recollections and collections of Harry Chapin music, drawings, pictures and songs.
- Harry's Friends - This site features stories about Chapin by people who met or knew him. Includes links to related sites.
- Mike Baker on: Harry Chapin - In depth biography of the singer.
- Rainy Nights in 'Frisco - The Harry Chapin newsgroup FAQ.
- Remembering Harry Chapin - John McMenamin performs live concerts of Harry Chapin's music and donates proceeds to World Hunger Year.
- The Harry Chapin Fan Pages - Lyrics, sound clips, photographs, biography, message board, and links to other sites.
- The Official Harry Chapin Web Site - Created by Harry's family to share stories, old films, poems, and unpublished music. Purchase out of print releases, early music, and special re-releasesfrom store or learn about special related concerts.
- Tom Chapin Fan Info - Tom Chapin was Harry's younger brother and a member of Harry's band.