Electronic Synthesizer Moog
Top » Music » Business » Instruments » Builders and Manufacturers » Electronic » Synthesizer » Moog
- Analyzing the Moog VCF with Considerations for Digital Implementation - Research paper by Tim Stilson and Julius Smith of CCRMA
- Big Briar, Inc. - Robert Moog's current company, coming out soon with a new minimoog keyboard
- FM Music - Moog parts and service
- Harmony Central Synth Database - Moog user comments and reviews
- Interview with Bob Moog - Bob Moog discusses the MiniMoog
- Memorymoog Documents - Manuals and Service Bulletins
- MoogArchives - A personal collection of rare and obscure photos, documentation, and memorabilia from the R. A. Moog Company and its succeeding companies.
- Moog Endless - Streaming real-time live Moog sound broadcast via Real Audio
- Moog Memorymoog Users Page - Sound archive, schematics, manuals and FAQ dealing with Moog's first polysynth.
- Moog Music Custom Engineering - Authentic Moog modular products, manuals, parts and technical expertise.
- Moog Music U.K. - A British company recreating Moog products of the 1960's and 70's and creating some new designs along the way.
- Music Machines: Moog Modular - Many cool pictures + useful information from mailing list archives and some schematics
- Robert Moog and The Moog Synthesizer - A short history
- Sonic State Moog Page - Product reviews and parts for sale
- synthmuseum.com - The Moog Modular Room - Specs, pictures and brochures.
- The Moog Synthesizer - Contains schematics for some modular Moog parts scanned from the manual