Audio Formats MOD Software
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- Best trackers for making MODs - Reviews on a few tracker programs.
- Brillianet - Here you can find many good trackers and players + other utilities.
- DUMP - Short for Denna Urtrista Module Player, this program is a MOD player for Atari Falcon.
- Flatdisk Mod Archive - Over 5600 collected mod, xm, it, and s3m files, along with a dictionary of "modspeak".
- Graoumf Tracker 2 - Graoumf Tracker 2 is an advanced soundtracker with audio fx for Windows 9x/NT/2k.
- GTracKer - A music tracker for Linux. (under development)
- Home of Zola - The Home of Zola is where you will find Impulse Tracker for the Compleat Idiot, ModPlug Tracker for the Compleat Idiot, the Grrrls in Tracking Web Ring, music files and lots of other fun stuff.
- MadTracker - This program is a 32-bit tracker for Windows. Windowed FastTracker-like interface with the power of Impulse Tracker, it can read .XM, .IT, .S3M, .MOD and .MT2 files.
- MadTracker 2 - MadTracker 2: New 32-bit tracker for Windows 9x/NT
- Maube - Music module tracker/editor for X11. Works with MOD, XM, S3M mod files.
- Maz Sound - Large collection of MOD/S3M/XM/IT Tracking software
- MOD Plugin - Site offers a plugin allowing MOD files to be played directly from a web browser. Is compatible with Netscape and Internet Explorer.
- MODPlug Player - Home of MODPlug Player for Windows, supports lots of formats and compressed files.
- MODPlug Plug-In - Browser plug-in version of Olivier Lapicque's MODPlug Player
- MODPlug Tracker - A 32bit Windows 9x/NT Tracker written by Olivier Lapicque
- MODPlug Tracker - MODPlug Central - the official home of the MODPlug Software by Olivier Lapicque.
- ModRing - Webring connecting MOD sites together.
- Multi Module Music Player - MMMP can display a graphical presentation based on the MOD being played.
- music massage - Archives of a newsletter devoted to mods, with reviews and downloads.
- Octamed Sound Studio - Amiga MIDI tracker composing utility now available for Windows.
- Pulse - Skinnable & plug-in based MOD player for Windows, can import Winamp skins, supports MOD & MP3 formats.
- Screamtracker 3 - Scream Tracker is able to handle a maximum of 16 digital channels. Supported fileformats are normal .MOD's, Fasttracker .MOD's, Oktalyzer .OKT's, .STMs and .S3Ms.
- Sound Club - Demo is only a player, registered version also serves as a tracker.
- The Fast Tracker II Resource Page - Latest info, links, and help.
- The Internet Music Monitor - The IMM is a computer MOD music review and monitoring project.
- The Official Impulse Tracker Page - Impulse Tracker has an interface very similar to Scream Tracker 3, but includes more advanced features.
- Tracking Startpage - The homepage for all your mod links.
- United Trackers - Non-profit organization of musicians supporting the Internet (MOD) music scene
- United Trackers Software Archive - This section includes all types of software needed for tracking and sample/sound editing.
- Winamp - The popular MP3 player can play MODs as well.
- XMP - Extended Module Player for Win95.