Software Educational Theory and Ear Training
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- CATS - Packed with information and tests, with over 25,000 possible music theory questions. It also covers Associated Board music theory exams. Help pass grade 5 theory.
- Clarion - [Mac] It is a music utility which allows you to practice and be quizzed on the various intervals of the 12 tone western music octave division.
- Cope Media - [Win] Musical eartraining software: aural training of scales, chords, intervals, melody, rhythm, inversions and progressions.
- EarMaster - [Win] Ear training software available in two versions: for students or schools. Exercises in: intervals, chords, scales, melodies and rhythms.
- EarPower - [Win] It is an ear training program which can be used as a daily routine. Compact and easy to use, it contains many features, and can help anyone, from the so called "tone-deaf" person up to the professional musician.
- Ear Trainer - [Win] It is a software program designed to help you improve your musical ear.
- Eartraining - [Mac] It helps you to practice intervals, chords, scales and perfect pitch; shareware by Lars Peters.
- Ear Training Expedition, Part 1 - [Win] Ear training software that helps students learn music theory and practice their skills with colorful, creative games.
- Essentials of Music Theory - [Win-Mac] It allows you to practice with lessons, ear training with real acoustic instruments, scorekeeping and recordkeeping, scored reviews, an interactive glossary and entertaining exercises.
- GNU Solfege - Free eartraining software. It is written as a GNOME application, but it can run on systems with only the gtk+ libraries, it even runs on Windows 95.
- Happy Note! - [Win] It is a fullfledged computer game that allows people to learn how to read music painlessly, while playing.
- Listen - [Mac] It is a music ear training program for students and individuals wishing to strengthen their perception of melodic and harmonic material, featuring a wide variety of matching and multiple choice exercises.
- Metronimo - [Win] Study music theory, learn the name of the greatest classic composers, test your musical culture, recognize the instruments of the symphony orchestra with this educational game. Versions in English and in French.
- Musica Analytica - [Mac] It is a music theory software which covers from fundamentals to part writing and voice leading treatment. It includes context-sensitive help and class management. By ER Technologies.
- MusicEar - Ear training software for PDA: site includes program description and registration form.
- MusicGoals by Eye & Ear - [Win] Ear training, sight reading, and music theory - a combined approach for piano, guitar and string instruments. 62 activities with optional external MIDI.
- Musicianship Basics - [Win-Mac] Music education software for schools and piano teachers. Graded ear training and theory activities for all music students. Demos available.
- Music Study - [Win-Mac] Ear training and music theory instruction software, by Dr. Gilbert Trythall.
- Note Chaser - [Win] It is a music transcription assistant and it helps anyone to transcribe a CD track.
- PBJ Music - Computer Activities - [Win-Mac] 50 games cleverly disguise the drill and practice of elementary through intermediate music theory concepts.
- RhythmTutor - [Win-Mac] Music instruction software: learn to sight-read musical rhythm notation. Demo available.
- Rising Software - Australian software house of music education products. It offers "Auralia", an ear training program for both win and mac platforms, and "Musition", a theory training software for win.
- Teoria - [Win] This program will help you develop your music theory and ear-training skills.
- The Harmonic Metronome - [Win] It produces scales and arpeggios, perfectly tuned and perfectly timed. Demo available.
- Treblis Software Corporation - Offers music theory and appreciation software for intermediate, high school and college level students and their instructors.