Computers Software RISC OS
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- Acorn SymbioSyS Division - Includes Oscill, a freeware oscilloscope program which works on 16-bit sound system Risc PCs.
- Amp - Music player, based on the PC program WinAmp. Can make use of the latter's "skins".
- AMPlay - A front-end for the AMPlayer mp3 playback module, with support for playlists, and other features aimed at handling large mp3 collections.
- AnnoWave - Wave file annotator, so players can correctly show the file information.
- Arachne SampleManager - SampleManager is a RISC OS relocatable module which plays digital sound samples.
- Audio Developer Smartgroup - Discussion list for Audio Software developers.
- Audio FS2 - Filing system for audio CDs, enabling filer windows for audio CDs, with tracks represented as separate files.
- DigSigGen - Comprehensive digital signal generator. Generates audio data files for use in the testing of CD players, computer sampling cards, computer A/D input and output cards, and Sound Cards.
- Drumming - Practice playing along and keeping strict time with a metronome beat.
- Fat German Productions - Includes Gadget, a freeware utility which allows you to convert between a number of bars and a real time, and vice-versa.
- Oscill - Oscilloscope program which works properly on 16-bit soundsystem RiscPCs.
- QTMPlay - Music player for RISC OS allowing several different song formats to be played under one interface.
- Rhapsody 4 - The latest of the Rhapsody series of music notation applications for playing, recording and printing music scores.
- RhythmBed - Program which allows you to create percussion tracks for controlling drum machines directly, for export to sequencers, such as Serenade, or for use with your computer's own internal voices.
- Rhythm Maker - Powerful rhythm composition program from ESP.
- SharpEye Music Reader - Musical equivalent of a text OCR package. It converts scanned images of printed music into Rhapsody 4, PMS and MIDI files.
- SibAid - Free RISC OS 4 fix for Sibelius users.
- Sibelius - RISC OS version of the leading music notation package.
- SoundCon - Sound format converter.
- Sound Software - Various titles from Justin Fletcher, including abcMIDI, abc2ps, AMP16, AMSpectre, ControlAMPlay, DJF-JRF, MP3Encode, MP3ID3, and MP3Info.
- Speak - Text to speech system. No hardware required.
- VoiceCon - A voice recognition system for RISC OS.
- WavEdit - Disk based WAV format sample editor capable of handling files much larger than the available memory.
- WeeMP3 - Audio player - MP3, CD, etc.