Reed Oboe Links
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- Arizona State University Oboe Homepage - Information on oboe studies at the university, warm-up tips, reed guide, practice hints, and links.
- Barbirolli International Oboe Festival and Competition - Contest details and contact information.
- Brian's Double Reed Page - Articles, suppliers, images, sound files, performer information, composers, news, reference, recordings, reviews, and links.
- Doublereed-L - Email discussion list for performers, teachers, and students. This link appears to be dead, and will be removed in due course.
- Fratelli Patricola - Makers of oboes and clarinets. [English/Italian]
- International Double Reed Society - Worldwide organization of double reed (oboe and bassoon family) players, instrument manufacturers and enthusiasts. Includes stolen instrument registry, conference and competition information, archived IDRS email list server posts, and listings of their publications and journals.
- Oboe and English Horn Club - Personal information, accessories, and links. Mailing list in Japanese and English.
- Oboe and Reed Information - Part of Prof Martin Schuring's page at Arizona State University
- Oboe Examinations - Syllabuses for examination from grades 1 to 8, provided by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.
- Oboe Las Vegas - (by Stephen Caplan, D.M.A) Oboe study and concerts at UNLV; Oboe players in Las Vegas.
- Oboe Master Class at Hidden Valley, Carmel Valley, California. - John Mack's 17th annual Oboe Master Class (June 19-24, 2006): requirements, enrollment information.
- Oboe My Love - Photographs, introduction to the oboe, and tips on how to make French style reeds.
- Oboe My Love for Young Oboist - Information about exercises, reed making, multiphonics, and circular breathing
- Oboe Reed Making - Seven steps detailing the process of creating oboe reeds.
- OboeSpot - Oboe sheet music and accessories.
- Oboes - Biography, music she's written, reasons to play the oboe, and links.
- Paul's Oboe Site - Includes charts of basic fingerings.
- Planet Oboe - Information, links, pictures, fingering chart, reedmaking instructions.
- Playing the Oboe - A Beginner's Encyclopaedia of Playing the Oboe written from the viewpoint of a struggling beginner. There are entries for various techniques which work for me, and many links to other resources
- Reeds and Stuff - German oboist Udo Heng designs and sells knives and machines used to make oboe and bassoon reeds. Photos, links. [English and German]
- Rimas, Juozas - Lithuanian Oboist - Biography, pictures, recordings, MP3s, and contact information.
- Sara's Oboe Page - History of the oboe, information on different types of oboes, personal information, and links.
- Stellar Oboe Products - Manufacturer of custom oboe reeds. Catalog, books, CDs, sheet music, and links.
- Texas School Music Project - Tips for Oboe - A music education website providing teaching tips and tools of the trade for music educators of all levels. TSMP is a service provided by the faculty of the Department of Music at Stephen F. Austin State University.
- The All Oboe Page - General information on the oboe family, history, reedmaking tips, music sources, Real Audio sounds, and links.
- The Baroque Oboe: A Study - Traces the evolution of the instrument, comparing it to modern times. Includes analyses of various types, and the tone, reeds, embouchure, breathing, intonation, fingering, and phrasing.
- The Nissen Oboe Tube - Enhanced version of the cork staple, which provides better stability and presence to any oboist.
- The Oboe Fiend - General information about the oboe, MIDIs of the author's compositions, and links.
- The Oboe Grand Central - Personal information and links to double reed societies, music stores, job openings, and personal pages.
- The Oboe Super Staple - Enhanced version of the cork staple, which is said to provide better stability and presence to the oboist.