Music Lyrics Humor
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- Am I Right? - Misheard lyrics (mondegreens) spanning the last six decades of pop, country, Chrisitan and Christmas music. Song parodies covering the last four decades, ranked by site visitors.
- AnalyticalQ's Parodies - AnalyticalQ's collection of parodies and other works.
- Beatles Song Parodies - Humorous lyrics to accompany several of the well known Beatles' tunes.
- Brad Sucks - Weblog and songs of a one man band with no fans.
- Britney Spears Song Generator - Flash driven song machine, make your own Britney Spears song by clicking the buttons.
- Candy Apple Pee - Misheard lyrics to just about every song the Beach Boys have performed.
- Country Western Song Generator - Creates random song lyrics for country-western songs.
- Crazy Lyrics - Lyrics to classic rock songs mis-translated back to English.
- Dave Aronson - Page about filk, a genre of music that grew out of silly folk songs
- Demented Lyrics - An archive of lyrics to wacky songs by such artists as "Weird Al" Yankovic, Tom Lehrer, Allan Sherman, and Stan Freberg. There are even a few Monty Python songs at this site. You can look for a song by artist and by title.
- Dictionaraoke - Talking dictionary definitions are used to render new vocals for popular songs. Other features include digital wordplay, a song of the day, and many other dictionary sample and MIDI tools and resources.
- Froggy's Novelty Song Lyric Collection - Lyrics of early 20th century novelty songs transcribed from vintage recordings.
- Geek Musique - High-tech humor, Geek-Folk songs and song parodies. Links to Geek Humor and Geek Culture sites.
- Gilbert and Sullivan Parody Archive - Dedicated to serving up parodies of the works of Gilbert and Sullivan.
- Hot Doggest Night - Neil Diamond song parody web site.
- Jamboozle - When lyrics aren't what they seem, misheard lyrics.
- James Lee Listmas - A seasonal song parody site based on the music of and musician James Lee Stanley created by his mailing list fans and sanctioned by the artist, himself.
- Killing Heidi Police - Misheard lyrics for just the group Killing Heidi
- Kiss This Guy - A database of misheard lyrics to pop songs
- Lyrics Schmirics - A sarcastic and humorous take on today's top artist's lyrics. From All Saints to Wallflowers.
- Mad Kane's Political Song Parody Lyrics - Madeleine Begun Kane's political song parodies, written from a liberal point of view, plus song parodies about the law, blogs, and other topics.
- Marshmallow Peeps Parodies - Songs devoted to nothing but the candy you get at Easter.
- MC Hawking's Crib - This site is your ultimate resource for information about Stephen Hawking the gangsta rapper. Features MP3s of all the songs.
- MockMyWords - Computer-generated song lyrics of such artists as the Beatles, Bruce Springsteen and Grateful Dead. Everything is in real-time.
- Monkees' Christmas Parody Page - Christmas verses sung to Monkees' songs.
- Musical Parody Parade - Song parodies written by Sam Rubalcava, complete with midi backing music.
- My Hairy Brother - A musical duo in the San Francisco Bay Area who make humorous songs. Site contains lyrics, MP3 and Real Audio versions of their songs.
- Parody Song Vault - New song parodies in Real Audio format every week from a syndicated radio network.
- Scott Loeb's Parody and Comedy Songs - Scott Loeb "Parody Songs" with midis to sing along. Groups like Toto, Three Doors Down, Radiohead, The Buggles, The Cars and more.
- Silly Songs from Grandfolkies - Silly song collection for kids of all ages with real-audio files, and lyrics for download. Vocals and instrumentals by author and folk singer, Phyllis Robbins.
- 90's lyric quiz - A site where you can test your knowledge of 90's music by trying to identify the song by it's lyric.
- Song Parodies by Jimmy Del Ponte - A website run by the radio personality, with MP3 clips of his best work available online.
- The Ants are My Friends - Misheard lyrics (mondegreens)
- The Ballad of Mary - Humorous lyrics that probe deep into The Virgin Mary's mental state after giving birth to Jesus Christ.
- The Boot Newt Sing Along Page - An anti-republican themed parody website targetting George W. Bush Jr. and Newt Gingrinch by the host of the site and site visitors.
- The Eighties Lyrics Quiz - 200 lyrics from big UK hits of the eighties - identify the band or artist and the song title.
- The Lyrics Page - Useful site for frustrated songwriters. All you need is the ability to think up ONE line of a song, the rest is up to everyone else out there!!
- The nineties lyrics quiz - The part of lyrics from nineties hits - name the artist and title.
- Virtual Jon - Random lyric generator in the style of "Yes".
- Weird Like Al - Song parodies with the midi version of the original for each song.
- WordSync - Original humorous lyrics, in a variety of musical styles.
- Ye Olde' Page of Parodies - Covers popular songs (mostly 90's) of MTV culture, and includes tv show parodies.
- Albumscopes at - We look at the true stars in our universe to determine your future. Our experts are skilled in the art of 'Albumology' and decode the true meaning that the artist has written into their lyrics. See which album contains your fate this month!