Sound Files MIDI Hymns
Top » Music » Religious » Christian » Sound Files » MIDI » Hymns
- Ames Hymn Collection - Over 100 midi hymns sequenced by Brian M. Ames.
- Apostolic Voice: Hymns - 29 midi Pentecostal midi hymns.
- Background Music, ChristianAnswers.Net - Contemporary music and Christian hymns.
- Band-In-A-Box - Features over 150 commercial midi orchestral accompaniments.
- Bombay New Zealand Hymns - 150+ Hymns we sing at St Peters in the Forest, Bombay New Zealand.
- Children's Hymns - [30+ midi & lyrics] sequenced by Brian M. Ames
- Christian Classics Ethereal Hymnary - [1200+ hymn tunes: MIDI, PDF scores, Noteworthy Composer scores] fully indexed.
- Christian Music Page - 20+ MIDI files; hymns and gospel songs.
- Christian Teens: Midi Station - [900+ midi] mostly from CyberHymnal; some new or original
- 10,000 Folksongs from Around the World: Hymns - [300+ files, some with lyrics].
- FTP index of Swedish University Network - 200+ files. Long filenames.
- Hymns Old & New - Over 50 midis form the hymnbook of the 2x2s.
- Hymn Tunes - [200+ midi] (at Christian Classics Ethereal Library)
- JesusOne: Daily Hymns - [20+ MIDI with lyrics]
- Melody Lane: Religious Songs, Hymns, Spirituals - Lyrics and MIDI files of hymns, in a picture songbook format. 30+ files.
- My Music - 20+ original tunes and arrangements by Bill Mullins.
- NewSong's Old Songs...MIDI Hymns - 100+ MIDI hymns and also 40+ Gospel songs.
- Nick's Place - [75+ MIDI files]
- PraiseLeader Midi - Christian midi site offering new versions of popular Christian praise and worship songs, ready for immediate, free download and use in public worship.
- The Cyber Hymnal - Thousands of Christian hymns and Gospel songs with lyrics, MIDI files, scores, pictures, history and more.
- The Greg Scheer Memorial Music Archives - 176+ files.
- The Multimedia Library Hymn of the Week - 261+ files in a single very large table.
- The Worship Page - [50+ midi]
- Tim Bode's Music Page - 28+ files. Most are 17th century and older re-arranged to a more contemporary style.
- Victrolla Music - Hymns Page - 110+ files.
- Web Hymnal - [30+ well-known hymns: MIDI and lyrics; Pentecostal]
- Wilstar's Christian Jukebox - [45 midi] Searchable index of hymns at other sites
- Worship in Music - 30+ files.