Jazz Links K
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- Kaplan, Ron - Website of singer Kaplan offers audio samples of his cd "High Standards", contact and booking information.
- Kay, Judith - A blend of Brazilian bossa nova and American swing-era jazz Kay performs with her ChamberJazz Ensemble. Site offers cds and mp3s and jazzlink library.
- Keating, Lisa - The music, mp3s, compact discs and performance calendar of Keating, a Los Angeles-based female vocalist, who sings jazz standards.
- Kelly, Val - Black Female Vocalist with jazz quartet. Live recordings, photo gallery, travels and venues.
- Kenevey, Cormac - Jazz Quartet led by Dublin vocalist Kenevey, the site has biographical information, upcoming gig list and sound samples.
- Kilgore, Rebecca - Jazz and swing singer and guitarist from Oregon, jazz educator.
- Kimmons, Sonji - Biography, cd information, photos, and reviews for this California songstress who spent many years performing in Europe.
- King, Morgana - Brief biography of jazz vocalist King, famed for her rendition of "A Taste of Honey".
- Knight, Maria - Toronto-based singer performs the music of Kurt Weill, Hanns Eisler and other composers from the first half of the twentieth century. Her site has biography, news, and photographs.
- Kybo-jazz funk - Information, songs and pictures of the three vocalists who front the Kybo dynamic jazz-funk band.